Global Outreach
New Hope Supports Missionaries In Several Countries.
Caleb and Monika Sannoh in Liberia, Africa.
The Sannohs were sent out by NHCC in 2017 to do a medical and teaching ministry in Kakata, Liberia. They have established a fruitful radio teaching and preaching ministry that spreads the gospel and encourages churches throughout the region.
Pastor Mehboob Dilshad Family in Lahore, Pakistan.
Grace Home Mission is an orphanage, 600-student school, and church ministry providing valuable ministry to children and adults in Pakistan. They do outreaches to poor people every month.
Jung Dangshing and Team in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Frontier Labourers for Christ has taken the gospel to Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar for over 40 years. It’s premier ministry is the Barefoot Doctors program with more than 100 Barefoot Doctors serving currently in Myanmar.
Ajai and Indu Lall in Damoh, India.
Central India Christian Mission has been serving Christ in India for over 40 years, expanding throughout that nation and into 4 others with their outreach. Thousands have graduated from their Bible College and Nursing School, and hundreds of churches have been started.
David and Phulmati Sewak in Kalaiya, Nepal.
The Amrita Orphanage was started over 20 years ago to take care of orphaned children found on the streets of Nepal. Many of these children are now adults serving Jesus Christ because of the loving care they received.