What We Believe
There is one God, creator of the universe, who exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These three are one God and always act in complete unity. Genesis 1:1; Romans 1:20
Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the only Savior of this world. He came to earth as a man, gave his life on the cross to pay for our sins, then rose from the dead to give us the hope of eternal life.
John 3:16; 1 Corinthians 15:1-8
Every human being is an eternal soul, made in God’s image. All of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s perfect standard, thereby deserving eternal punishment. We cannot save ourselves, but thankfully God offers us forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Genesis 1:27; Romans 3:23
Salvation is a gift from God. We are saved by grace through faith as we put our confidence in Jesus to save us. We must all repent (turn from) our sins to follow Christ and then be baptized into Him. Romans 10:9; Acts 2:38
In the Bible, when people repented and put their faith in Jesus, they were baptized immediately. Baptism by immersion demonstrates our faith in and obedience to Jesus Christ and identifies us with his death, burial, and resurrection. Romans 6:3-7
The Bible is the Word of God, written by men through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. In it, God reveals his character and will to mankind. The Bible is without error and our infallible guide for what we believe and how God wants us to live our lives. 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21
The church is the body of Christ, of which Jesus Christ is the head. It is made up of imperfect people doing all we can to live out the mission of Jesus here on earth. Our job is to lift up Jesus in this world so that lost people will find hope and eternal life in him. Ephesians 4:1-16